15 FlexxTheme Wordpress Themes - Flexx from iThemes

Some reasons to choose FlexxTheme:
1. There are 1,056 Layout possibilities
2. Plug-n-Play Graphics
3. SEO optimized
4. Eazy to use
5. No coding required
Live Demos for all FlexxTheme Wordpress Themes
Flexx Camo - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/camo/ Flexx Sports Fan - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/sportsfan/ Flexx Blue - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/blue/ Flexx Green - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/green/ Flexx Orange - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/orange/ Flexx Red - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/red/ Flexx Uncorked - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/uncorked/ Flexx Professional - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/professional Flexx Dark - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/dark Flexx Candy Apple - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/candyapple Flexx Sensation - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/sensation/ Flexx Bold - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/ Flexx Canvas - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/canvas/ Flexx Canvas Arial - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/canvasarial Flexx Canvas Georgia - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/canvasgeorgia |
NOTE: This themes' pack is very powerful, after activating the themes, a "Flexx Theme" menu will appear in the sidebar of your wordpress dashboard. From there you can learn and customize your theme according to your need.

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