Celebrity Magazine Red Carpet Theme

Celebrity Magazine Red Carpet Theme is a free magazine style WordPress theme inspired by the popular ‘People’ magazine site. Some of it’s features includes automatic thumbnails generation, short code support for tens of video sites, gravatars, custom photo and video templates.
Celebrity Magazine Red Carpet: http://deluxethemes.com/redcarpet/

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Labels: DeluxeThemes, Magazine, Premium
Studiopress Streamline 3.0 Theme

Streamline 3.0 is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
2 skins available: Gray and Blue ( check the theme options page )
Chrome Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/streamline/

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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Arthemia Magazine Theme

Arthemia Magazine Theme is combining a magazine and a weblog into one; it is not too magazine-ish nor too blog-ish.
Arthemia Demo: http://michaelhutagalung.com/arthemia/

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CelebrityPress WordPress Magazine Fashion Theme

CelebrityPress is a sexy wordPress theme ideal for those wanting to run a magazine website related to celebrity/gossip, music, movies and lifestyle in general. CelebrityPress is a very powerful theme with 11 color styles. Check the theme option page in your wordpress dashboard.
CelebrityPress Demo: http://gorillathemes.com/celebritypress/

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- Arthemia magazine theme
- 15 FlexxTheme wordpress themes - flexx from iTheme
- CelebrityPress wordpress magazine fashion theme
- Celebrity magazine red carpet theme
Labels: GorillaThemes, Magazine, Premium
15 FlexxTheme Wordpress Themes - Flexx from iThemes

Some reasons to choose FlexxTheme:
1. There are 1,056 Layout possibilities
2. Plug-n-Play Graphics
3. SEO optimized
4. Eazy to use
5. No coding required
Live Demos for all FlexxTheme Wordpress Themes
Flexx Camo - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/camo/ Flexx Sports Fan - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/sportsfan/ Flexx Blue - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/blue/ Flexx Green - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/green/ Flexx Orange - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/orange/ Flexx Red - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/red/ Flexx Uncorked - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/uncorked/ Flexx Professional - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/professional Flexx Dark - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/dark Flexx Candy Apple - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/candyapple Flexx Sensation - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/sensation/ Flexx Bold - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/ Flexx Canvas - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/canvas/ Flexx Canvas Arial - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/canvasarial Flexx Canvas Georgia - http://flexxtheme.ithemes.com/canvasgeorgia |
NOTE: This themes' pack is very powerful, after activating the themes, a "Flexx Theme" menu will appear in the sidebar of your wordpress dashboard. From there you can learn and customize your theme according to your need.

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- Celebrity magazine red carpet theme
Studiopress Chrome Theme

Studiopress Chrome is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Chrome Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/chrome/

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- Studiopress chrome theme
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Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Education Theme

Studiopress Education is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Education Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/education/

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- Studiopress agent theme
- Studiopress allure theme
- Studiopress elements theme
- Studiopress education theme
- Studiopress Streamline 3.0 theme
- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress News Theme

Studiopress News is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
News Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/news/

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- Studiopress elements theme
- Studiopress news theme
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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Metro Theme

Studiopress Metro is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Metro Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/metro/

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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Lifestyle Theme

Studiopress Lifestyle is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Lifestyle Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/lifestyle/

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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Health, Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Tubular Theme

Studiopress Tubular is a 2-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Tubular Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/tubular/

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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Executive Theme

Studiopress Executive is a 2-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Executive Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/executive/

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- Studiopress elements theme
- Studiopress executive theme
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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Magazine Theme

Studiopress Corporate is a 2-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Magazine Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/magazine/

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- Studiopress agent theme
- Studiopress allure theme
- Studiopress elements theme
- Studiopress magazine theme
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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Magazine, Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Corporate Theme

Studiopress Corporate is a 2-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Corporate Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/corporate/

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- Studiopress agent theme
- Studiopress allure theme
- Studiopress elements theme
- Studiopress corporate theme
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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Corporate, Premium, Professional, Studiopress
Studiopress Church Theme

Studiopress church is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Church Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/church/

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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Agent Theme

Studiopress Agent is a 3-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Agent Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/agent/

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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Premium, Studiopress
Studiopress Allure Theme

Studiopress Allure is a 2-columns Widget-ready theme created for WordPress.
Colors: Dark
Allure Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/allure/

Colors: Blue
Allure Demo: http://www.studiopress.com/demo/allure/

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- Studiopress allure theme
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- Studiopress genesis theme framework
Labels: Health, Premium, Studiopress